#吉澤延隆箏リサイタルノード 終演いたしました!
1974年に初めて行われたフィンランド人作曲家と邦楽家の協働作業を讃えるとともに、私たちの世代による新たなnode(能動的な結び目)を構築するために挑んだオール・フィンランド・プログラムでのリサイタルでした。 思い返せば、2011年に初めてヘルシンキを訪れてから12年、その時に生まれた出会いが今につながっています。そして、今回の取り組みを通して新たな出会いも生まれ、きっと、これからもフィンランドとのつながりは続くでしょう。 それと合わせて、私たちの世代やもっと若い邦楽家が、フィンランドの音楽家やアーティストと積極的に関われるよう、これからもnode構築を継続していきたいと思います! ご来場くださいました皆さま、本当にありがとうございました!!Kiitos! |
‘Nobutaka Yoshizawa Koto Recital -Node-‘ has concluded! This recital, dedicated to honoring the collaborative efforts between Finnish composers and Japanese musicians that began in 1974, aimed to establish a new "node" actively tied to our generation, featuring an all-Finnish program.
Looking back, it's been 12 years since my first visit to Helsinki in 2011, and the connections formed then continue to resonate. Through this initiative, new connections have emerged, and undoubtedly, the ties with Finland will persist. Together with this, I hope that musicians from our generation and even younger ones actively engage with Finnish musicians and artists, fostering ongoing collaborations. To everyone who attended, a heartfelt thank you for being part of this event! Kiitos!! |
吉澤延隆 箏リサイタル 〜ノード〜 Nobutaka Yoshizawa Koto Recital ~node~
吉澤延隆箏曲研究所 代表 吉澤延隆
Collaborations between traditional Japanese instruments such as koto, shamisen, and shakuhachi and Finnish composers might appear as forward-thinking endeavors. However, in reality, a joint effort between the ensemble group “Hougaku Yonin no Kai” of leading the “Modern Japanese Music" movement from the 1960s onwards, and Finnish composer-P.H. Nordgren (1944-2008) in 1974.
As We approach the half-century mark since this initial intersection of Japanese traditional music and Finnish composers, this recital its focus towards Finland composers.
Nordgren, who engaged in the first collaborative works with Japanese traditional instruments. Also highlighted are Jean Sibelius (1865-1957), often considered the progenitor of Finnish music, Kaija Saariaho (1952-2023), a reknown contemporary composer whose passing in June this year saddened fans worldwide, Juha T. Koskinen (1972-), who has been collaborating on creating "new koto music" since 2018, and Eetu Ranta-Aho (1992-), a young composer known for his opera "The Sleeping Man" (libretto: Riyoko Ikeda) performed at the 2021 Helsinki Contemporary Opera Festival. The program consists of a series of new commissions for koto and string quartet, forming an all-Finnish lineup.
This initiative under the recital concept of "Nodes" will serve as an opportunity for us, traditional Japanese instrument players, to contemplate what kind of music to perform, create, and communicate to the society at large in the midst of today's global circumstances marked by divisions and conflicts along fault lines such as politics, economy, and civil society.
吉澤延隆箏曲研究所 代表 吉澤延隆
Collaborations between traditional Japanese instruments such as koto, shamisen, and shakuhachi and Finnish composers might appear as forward-thinking endeavors. However, in reality, a joint effort between the ensemble group “Hougaku Yonin no Kai” of leading the “Modern Japanese Music" movement from the 1960s onwards, and Finnish composer-P.H. Nordgren (1944-2008) in 1974.
As We approach the half-century mark since this initial intersection of Japanese traditional music and Finnish composers, this recital its focus towards Finland composers.
Nordgren, who engaged in the first collaborative works with Japanese traditional instruments. Also highlighted are Jean Sibelius (1865-1957), often considered the progenitor of Finnish music, Kaija Saariaho (1952-2023), a reknown contemporary composer whose passing in June this year saddened fans worldwide, Juha T. Koskinen (1972-), who has been collaborating on creating "new koto music" since 2018, and Eetu Ranta-Aho (1992-), a young composer known for his opera "The Sleeping Man" (libretto: Riyoko Ikeda) performed at the 2021 Helsinki Contemporary Opera Festival. The program consists of a series of new commissions for koto and string quartet, forming an all-Finnish lineup.
This initiative under the recital concept of "Nodes" will serve as an opportunity for us, traditional Japanese instrument players, to contemplate what kind of music to perform, create, and communicate to the society at large in the midst of today's global circumstances marked by divisions and conflicts along fault lines such as politics, economy, and civil society.
In 2018, I embarked on a project with Finnish composer Juha T. Koskinen (1972-) to create new koto compositions that blend our respective cultures. Throughout this initiative, we have conceptualized two pieces, “Usugori” (2018) and “Amano no ukihashi” (2020), based on the themes of the four seasons. These works have seen both premieres and subsequent performances. A pivotal aspect of this endeavor lies in Koskinen's compositional concept of "interconnected vertically and horizontally." This idea serves as a symbolic representation and forms the foundation for the concept of our current project.
The concept “node” refers to a point of intersection, junction, or swelling with meanings like that of a “knot.” Especially in the field of IT, it refers to the constituent elements of a network-like structure, denoting individual devices that actively transmit and receive signals or data in communication networks.
“Nobutaka Yoshizawa Koto Recital ~node~,” we focus on this active connectivity represented by “nodes.” Born and raised in Finland, a globally advanced country in the field of IT and known for having internationally renowned conductors and musicians, the collaboration aims to create new connections between composers and their works. This recital is dedicated to establishing fresh nodes that contribute to the history of new koto music.
In 2018, I embarked on a project with Finnish composer Juha T. Koskinen (1972-) to create new koto compositions that blend our respective cultures. Throughout this initiative, we have conceptualized two pieces, “Usugori” (2018) and “Amano no ukihashi” (2020), based on the themes of the four seasons. These works have seen both premieres and subsequent performances. A pivotal aspect of this endeavor lies in Koskinen's compositional concept of "interconnected vertically and horizontally." This idea serves as a symbolic representation and forms the foundation for the concept of our current project.
The concept “node” refers to a point of intersection, junction, or swelling with meanings like that of a “knot.” Especially in the field of IT, it refers to the constituent elements of a network-like structure, denoting individual devices that actively transmit and receive signals or data in communication networks.
“Nobutaka Yoshizawa Koto Recital ~node~,” we focus on this active connectivity represented by “nodes.” Born and raised in Finland, a globally advanced country in the field of IT and known for having internationally renowned conductors and musicians, the collaboration aims to create new connections between composers and their works. This recital is dedicated to establishing fresh nodes that contribute to the history of new koto music.
------------------- これまでのリサイタル The following is Recital archive.
DATE: 2018年10月24日(水)19:00開演〔18:30開場〕 24 October 2018, PM.7 start (PM.6:30 door open)
PLACE: 古賀政男音楽博物館内 けやきホール KEYAKI-Hall of Masao Koga Music Museum,Tokyo
ORGANIZER: 吉澤延隆箏曲研究所 Nobutaka Yoshizawa Kotomusic Office
SUPPORT: フィンランド大使館/日本・フィンランド新音楽協会/東海大学教養学部芸術学科音楽学課程
Embassy of Finland Tokyo/Japan Finland Contemporary Music Society/Tokai University
PLACE: 古賀政男音楽博物館内 けやきホール KEYAKI-Hall of Masao Koga Music Museum,Tokyo
ORGANIZER: 吉澤延隆箏曲研究所 Nobutaka Yoshizawa Kotomusic Office
SUPPORT: フィンランド大使館/日本・フィンランド新音楽協会/東海大学教養学部芸術学科音楽学課程
Embassy of Finland Tokyo/Japan Finland Contemporary Music Society/Tokai University
プログラムでは、現代の日本を代表する作曲家である柴田南雄(1916−1996)、三木稔(1930−2011)、一柳慧(1933−)による秋の作品を中心に据え、日本の和歌に造詣が深く、その優れた活動に一柳慧コンテンポラリー賞(2018)が授与されたダリル・ゼミソン(1980−)による箏独奏曲、シベリウス音楽院、リヨン音楽院、IRCAMで学び、フィンランド放送局、ラジオ・フランスからの委嘱、日本では武生国際作曲賞(2004)を受賞するなど、日本文化への造詣も深く、現代フィンランドを代表する作曲家として、国際的な高い評価を受けているベルリン在住の作曲家ユハ T・コスキネン(1972−)への十七絃箏独奏曲の新作委嘱を加え、国際的な視点からもアプローチする。 吉澤延隆
プログラムでは、現代の日本を代表する作曲家である柴田南雄(1916−1996)、三木稔(1930−2011)、一柳慧(1933−)による秋の作品を中心に据え、日本の和歌に造詣が深く、その優れた活動に一柳慧コンテンポラリー賞(2018)が授与されたダリル・ゼミソン(1980−)による箏独奏曲、シベリウス音楽院、リヨン音楽院、IRCAMで学び、フィンランド放送局、ラジオ・フランスからの委嘱、日本では武生国際作曲賞(2004)を受賞するなど、日本文化への造詣も深く、現代フィンランドを代表する作曲家として、国際的な高い評価を受けているベルリン在住の作曲家ユハ T・コスキネン(1972−)への十七絃箏独奏曲の新作委嘱を加え、国際的な視点からもアプローチする。 吉澤延隆
Exploring Autumn poetry of contemporary Koto Works.
In Autumn Japan, the flowers are blooming, the fruits are fruiting, and you can to see the beautiful sky day and night in the season. And, the Autumn has given us some emotions, creation and love inspirations for long long ago. So, We have written a lot of poetry with Autumn scene and emotions since the era of Nara and Heian. I try to explore Autumn poetical sentiment by the contemporary Koto Works that was composed to inspired old poetry.
In program, I take up Autumn Works of Minao Shibata(1916-1996), Minoru Miki(1930-2011) and Toshi Ichiyanagi(1933-) -the representative composer of contemporary Japan, and Young composer - Daryl Jamieson(1980-) whose deeply familiar with Japanese poetry, awarded “The Toshi Ichiyangi Contemporary Award” in 2018. And, I’m committing new Works to Juha T.Koskinen(1972-)- the representative composer of Today Finland.
In this recital program based on Japanese Waka styles of linked poetry-RENGA, each pieces shift to another Autumn Works, link to link one another.
Nobutaka Yoshizawa
Exploring Autumn poetry of contemporary Koto Works.
In Autumn Japan, the flowers are blooming, the fruits are fruiting, and you can to see the beautiful sky day and night in the season. And, the Autumn has given us some emotions, creation and love inspirations for long long ago. So, We have written a lot of poetry with Autumn scene and emotions since the era of Nara and Heian. I try to explore Autumn poetical sentiment by the contemporary Koto Works that was composed to inspired old poetry.
In program, I take up Autumn Works of Minao Shibata(1916-1996), Minoru Miki(1930-2011) and Toshi Ichiyanagi(1933-) -the representative composer of contemporary Japan, and Young composer - Daryl Jamieson(1980-) whose deeply familiar with Japanese poetry, awarded “The Toshi Ichiyangi Contemporary Award” in 2018. And, I’m committing new Works to Juha T.Koskinen(1972-)- the representative composer of Today Finland.
In this recital program based on Japanese Waka styles of linked poetry-RENGA, each pieces shift to another Autumn Works, link to link one another.
Nobutaka Yoshizawa
Coming soon.
【Download JPEG Leaflet File(English)】
* Graphic designed by Atsuko Sasagawa.
第10回宇都宮エスペール賞受賞者成果発表公演 Prize Winner of the 10th Utsunomiya Espere Award
吉澤延隆 箏リサイタル ~つなぐ~ Nobutaka Yoshizawa Koto Recital -UNITE-
Date: 2014年3月9日(日)14:00開演〔13:00開場〕 9 March 2014, PM.2 start (PM.1:30 door open)
Place: 宇都宮市文化会館小ホール Utsunomiya City Cultural Hall
Organizer: 公益財団法人うつのみや文化創造財団 Utsunomiya Arts and Culture Foundation
吉澤延隆 箏リサイタル ~つなぐ~ Nobutaka Yoshizawa Koto Recital -UNITE-
Date: 2014年3月9日(日)14:00開演〔13:00開場〕 9 March 2014, PM.2 start (PM.1:30 door open)
Place: 宇都宮市文化会館小ホール Utsunomiya City Cultural Hall
Organizer: 公益財団法人うつのみや文化創造財団 Utsunomiya Arts and Culture Foundation
Program note*
* Graphic designed
by Atsuko Sasagawa. |
「吉澤延隆 箏リサイタル ~つなぐ~」に、ご来場くださりました皆さまへ
「吉澤延隆 箏リサイタル ~つなぐ~」に、ご来場賜りまして、誠にありがとうございました。
2014年3月吉日 吉澤延隆
「吉澤延隆 箏リサイタル ~つなぐ~」に、ご来場賜りまして、誠にありがとうございました。
2014年3月吉日 吉澤延隆
吉澤延隆 箏リサイタル -展開- Nobutaka Yoshizawa Koto Recital -take a new turn-
Date: 2009年11月5日(木) pm7:00開演〔pm6:30開場〕 5th November 2009, 7:00PM.(Door open 6:30PM. )
Place: 古賀政男音楽博物館内 けやきホール Koga Masao Music Museum KEYAKI hall(Tokyo)
Date: 2009年11月5日(木) pm7:00開演〔pm6:30開場〕 5th November 2009, 7:00PM.(Door open 6:30PM. )
Place: 古賀政男音楽博物館内 けやきホール Koga Masao Music Museum KEYAKI hall(Tokyo)
Program note
Leaflet designed by Katsunori Okui.
Photo by Kayo Takano.
吉澤延隆 箏リサイタル -東海大学大学院修了演奏会- Nobutaka Yoshizawa Koto Recital
Date: 2007年5月14日(月) pm7:00開演〔pm6:30開場〕 14th May 2007, 7:00PM.(Door open 6:30PM.)
Place: 東京オペラシティー リサイタルホール Tokyo Opera City Recital hall
Organizer: 東海大学大学院芸術学研究科 Tokai University Graduate School of Art Studies
Place: 東京オペラシティー リサイタルホール Tokyo Opera City Recital hall
Organizer: 東海大学大学院芸術学研究科 Tokai University Graduate School of Art Studies
Program note
Leaflet designed by Ayano Ito.